Wednesday, January 13, 2010


What the hell is goin on with all these people talkin real wreckless these days? The old folks always said, it's better to be seen and not heard. Conan O'Brian needs to heed that advice. He said if they push his show, The Tonight Show back 30 minutes to let Jay Leno in following the local news he's gonna walk. I said from the start that he was not the one to host that show once Jay said he was trying to give it up. But since I'm not an exec at NBC, I had no say so in the matter. If Conan does leave the network I'm pretty sure that he can always land his offbeat humor somewhere else.

Present, former, and hopeful political figures let words fly out of their mouths without processing what's gonna come out. Harry Reid of Nevada said the President was light skinned and didn't speak with a "negro" dialect, and that was key to his successful bid for the White House. Oops dummy! Luckily he was excused by the Oval office for his words of stupidity.

Former Illinois Govenor Blegojevich said he was "blacker than the President". Now that sounded like a skit from The Chappell Show to me. What made him open his piehole and say that. Matter of fact why is he even in front of tv cameras and microphones anyway? He had his 15 minutes when he got kicked out of his office for an assortment of dumb stuff he did.

All this nonsense has spawned a website, Voice your opinion if you care to.

Closer to home, Mayorial hopeful John Georges was quoted twice saying dumbshit. One statement referring to the new LSU hospital in downtown New Orleans, would make the footprint of the city look like that of a plantation. A plantation? Are you serious???? Then turned around a said he was an African American candidate, I mean a candidate for African Americans, I meant a candidate with the support of African Americans. What an idiot. In a campaign commercial he said he would re-open Charity Hospital. He doesn't have the authority to do so as Mayor, cause it's a state facility. Oh well, stupid is as stupid does.

Oh is what it is. I'm Finns head out and just spew non sensical foolishness for the hell of it and see what happens. BTW, even though this is off topic, Moral Oral on adult swim is the craziest cartoon.

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