Thursday, June 16, 2011

Life Changes

"The Future is RIGHT HERE... A Google TV by Sony...starting at $599.99" - iGotta get one of these joints...TV and the internet all on the same screen and powered by GOOGLE!!!! more about that later on...iPromise.

The actual reason for today's entry is real simple - ME. Not that I'm simple, but it is what it is...On Wednesday May 26th, I was admitted into the hospital for a swollen foot / ankle and an ulcer on the top of my foot. What was to follow most definitely changed my life... I was diagnosed with Osteomylitis (a bone infection) in my 5th toe. After several hours of IV Antibiotics, an entire day and a half, I finally saw a doctor - just so happened to be a surgeon. The doctor told me that they would have to amputate my toe.

Most people would have by now stopped reading, but hopefully you'll read on...with a decision in front of me to either let them cut my toe off or let it get worse and spread to the rest of my foot and have the whole thing cut off... well you can best believe I said "TAKE IT" with no hesitation, discussion, or question. The surgery was to be performed the next morning at 10am. I psyched myself up to believe that wasnt nothing gonna go wrong and I was gonna be a-ok. I went ahead and had the procedure done. 2 hours after it was completed I WALKED to the window to get a urinal (LOL)...

At anyrate I was also diagnosed as a diabetic. I was floored! If you really know me (or read my previously posted entries) , I have a thing for sweets! Oreo's to be specific. So you could imagine my shock. Its been a good three weeks now and I have been following a set of rules that I have imposed on myself (thats because the idiots at the diabetic education center NEVER came to see me...all I got in the way of orders was a prescription for a glucometer) I check my blood sugar anywhere between 4-6 times a day with varied results...Im on a 1400 calorie meal plan (which is barely enough to fill up a small Ethiopian child), NO SWEETS, NO SMOKING, and NO DRINKING...

I had to get this out and what better way to do it than to write to my blog...I only got 10 followers and since I havent posted in 2 months I might have lost them. Now that I have all this free time on my hand, I'll probably post more... I'll also keep you guys posted on my progress. Im currently in a contact cast (this is my 3rd one...i get a new one every week) and my clinician said by the looks of things Ive got about 5 more weeks of casting... anyways Im OWT!!!!

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