Thursday, July 23, 2009

Today's Randomness

Baby Girl how you go from this to...

to this... If you felt that you didnt want to look like big sis anymore you coulda got a different hairstyle
at least you coulda got a lining... Brittney Spears had a lining. Did you do this yourself? Tsk Tsk Tsk!!
On another note...Rihanna's cut > Cassie's cut > Solange's cut, but worse than Yeezie's mullet

Confused too I am (no Yoda)

Solange tweeted this today...

stupid. paps. took. pic. ive. had. my. hair. cut. like. this. for. two. weeks. i. was. NOT. inspired. by anyone. but. my. self.

i. have. done. this. twice. in. my. life. i. was 16. i was 18. did. not care about your opinion. then. dont. care. now.
dont. need. your. attention. or. your. co-sign. i am #3. trending topic. before. IRAN. &. some of you cant even locate it on a map. its sad.
dont. want. a. edge. up. or a perm. because. im not trying. to make this "a style" or a statement.
i. just. wanted. to. be. free. from. the. bondage. that. black. women sometimes. put. on. themselves. with. hair.
this. phase. of. my. life. i. want to spend . the time. the energy. and the money. on something else. not in the hair salon.
im. not. mad. at . all of you. that have made your opinions known. and have sent negative. energy. my way. i expected this of you.
you. have. the right to have. an opinion.
so. do. i.

I guess she told yall... [/update]

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